Letter2Congress: Send a Letter to Congress


Saturday, December 16, 2006


I have permission to post this disturbing piece of personal correspondence, and I do so as an act of sharing the feelings one tortured soul that I am very much afraid reflects the ferment of many American minds. We are not a happy people and too much of the dark side of our humanity is currently welled up just beneath the surface of our collective emotional controls. This I fear!


"Friends, neighbors, and countrymen of the Right: I hate your lying despicable guts." I detest your very being; I resent your existence. And while I remain committed to your right to say anything you wish, and to believe anything you will; it ends there as of this day.

You no longer have my respect; that has turned to contempt. You no longer have my toleration; I will grind you under my heel every chance I get and I will scrape you off my shoe like the mashed pile of excrement that you are. I will no longer tolerate your cowardice, stupidity and meaningless shallow drivel. I will confront you, demean you, belittle, debase demonize and disgrace your name and every utterance at every turn, every mention with every tool of destructive venom that I can summon.

You are vile, evil and your life is pure vexation. You have the right to that life; may it be short, end in debilitating anguish and suffering, and when you are buried I will walk on the still soft earth covering your worthless rotting carcass with joy and in victory. If a tear should well up it will be a tear of joy, for I will not mourn your passing as your very existence has been a cancer on my life, my time.

I will: delight in your failures, take amusement from your troubles, find pleasure in your miseries, enjoy inflicting injury upon you, contribute to your undoing, rejoice at your disgrace and celebrate your demise, the end of your meaningless worthless lives. I will mock and soil your memory as long as I draw breath.

I used to try to laugh you people off. Now, I detest you as among the most loathsome people America has ever vomited up. You are not only dangerous to our way of life; you are a danger to the entire world and Bush has molded you into a mindless flock of sheep.

There are some of you, otherwise intelligent people, who just cannot believe that anything disastrous will happen that the President cannot be impeached while the farce of Iraq is in “progress” that he cannot be brought to trial before the world on War Crimes. With childish immaturity and a profound snobbery of exclusive denial that surpasses that of the deepest alcoholic and most wasted addict, you walk your sons and daughters forward into a new day where they will be offered up on the altar of World War III as the price to be paid for your lives of mindless, moronic mediocre idiotic comfort.

He has violated The Constitution of The United States willingly and repeatedly; he must be removed from office.

He has ordered and sanctioned the violation of the Geneva Conventions willfully and repeatedly; that constitutes War Crimes of the magnitude punishable by death. He must be brought to justice.

Americans, who simply dismiss those facts, are so uninformed, so unconcerned, so detached, so ignorant, insensitive and driven by the stupidity of mindless arrogance that they just don’t believe an American President can be brought to justice, are fools, mental midgets, ignorant by choice to the degree that I can no longer politely ignore you in common social conversation.

You are an elitist, your every word, “verbal lint” that makes me want to wretch and scream in your faces to wake up your dormant worthless brains. You are not in touch with reality. You sicken me as you are the very manure core of the growing Bush Dictatorship. You are the essence of every ill in this world and you just don’t give a damn because you are so shallow outside of your little “important” everyday world that you think you can get away with simply ignoring anything anyone says and that it all will be well for you and yours.

You don’t want to hear a word anyone else has to say as you live as though all ill will somehow go away and your knee jerk cynicism permits you to scrape aside like dog shit on a sidewalk, anything you do not want to hear. Your ears have gone deaf; your mind has closed; your eyes are clouded the cataracts of the cynical and your words, instinctual, are those of a practiced hypocrite, all fitting as you have stopped carrying about anyone but yourself. You might as well be truly deaf as your mind absorbs nothing except yourself.

Firmly believing none of the problems of the world will be visited upon you, for you are among “the righteous self anointed chosen ones” entitled to dictate the lives, morals, conduct and human condition of others, like the fool who watches a mole change, convinced it could never kill them so you self centered, self-ordained “intelligent ignorant bastards walk through life with distain for everyone but yourself.

No one else really matters, and thought you may profess love, express grief at the loss of a “loved one”, you will for a few days mouth the ritual cliché collection of funeral home sound bites and content yourself with devouring the estate “droppings” of your dead moments after the repetitious recitations of graveside you have authored, and life will return to your self-absorbed normal tomorrow.

Your lover is a convenience that can be replaced; your “friends” are to be used; your offspring is for show and validation that you are complete. Your life is a sham, a poorly written play, a well enacted daily hypocrisy. You owe no one anything and publicly do all those things deemed “correct”. You are so devoid of any real humanity that my bloodlust hatred of you causes me no concern.

Many of you sanctimoniously wrap yourselves in the cloak of their naive foolish belief in a God; it is a funeral shroud. Everything is in the hands of God, and the hands and mouths of those who plunder this Earth and manipulate the mindless pathetic flock they pretend to serve. Your Christianity is but a title you need for self-defined respectability.

You are the people I now hate, hate with a passion that no words in our language can express, (only acts of violence would suffice)--these people who seek to control our national security. The best of you are misinformed; the worst are knowingly evil. The rest of you are vicious liars.

So I intend to vote on November 7 as I always do, but this time it will not be a felling of hope; my vote will be cast with the vile tastes of hatred and revenge on my tongue.

If I have to, I'll crawl over broken glass to do it. And this year I'm voting a straight Democratic ticket right down to dog catcher, because I've had it. I'm fed up with the deranged, lying Right.

You have attacked me so many times in my life, and I have accepted and dealt with those attacks; no more; if you want destruction, I will provide every measure of it I can muster for the rest of my life. You have infected me. I will see to it everyday in every act and word that your lives will be under attack and your every value undermined and labeled as hateful worthless trash and that you values are as worthless as your existence.
I'm now a hater, too." I have loved with a passion; I will now hate with a constant consistent vengeance. I have eradicated the words forgiveness, understanding, compassion and toleration from my vocabulary and being where you are concerned. Should those I hate never have been born; this world would be a better place. May you live in agony, fail in disgrace and die with long lingering suffering that consumes all you have accumulated leaving your off spring nothing.

You have driven me to the point where song lyrics to THE MASTERS OF WAR just won’t fade from my mind; you have authored despair, the sickness unto death; this I cannot forgive!


Come you masters of war, you that build all the guns. You that build the death place, you that build all the guns. You that hide behind walls, you that hide behind desks. I just want you to know, I can see through your masks.

You that never done nothing, but to build and destroyYou play with my world, like its your little toy. You put a drug in my head, then you hide from my eyes And you turn and run following the fast foolish lie.

Like Judas of old, you lie and deceive A world war can be won, you won't need to believe But I see through your eyes, and I see through your brainLike I see through the water that runs down my drain.

You that fasten all the triggers, for the others to fire Then you sit back and watch, while the death count gets higher You hide in your mansion, while young people's blood Flows out their bodies and is buried in the mud.

You've thrown the worst fear, that could ever be hurled The fear to bring children, into this world For threatenin' my baby, unborn and unnamed You ain't worth the blood that runs in your veins
How much do I know, to talk out of turn? You might say that I'm young, you might say I'm unlearned But there's one thing I know, though I'm younger than you Even Jesus would never forgive what you do.

Let me ask you one question, is your money that good?Will it buy you forgiveness? Do you think that it could?Oh, I think you will find, when your death takes its toll All the money you made will never buy back your soul.

And I hope that you die, and your death will come soon.

I'll follow your casket, in the pale afternoon And I'll watch as your lowered, into your deathbed And I'll stand on your grave till I'm sure that your dead.

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